Scary times. Never can I remember schools being shut down world-wide for a contagion. Toss in a divided populace and you’ve got total chaos. I’m getting tired of the phrase, “…out of an abundance of caution…” but I understand the science behind social distancing and precautions. Others think it’s just some sort of political ploy. … Read More “COVID-19 Update” »
Category: Miscellaneous
Since I no longer have a regular choir gig with rehearsals on Wednesday evenings I’ve been going to the Celtic jam sessions at the Stomping Grounds in Greer. I’ve been enjoying those so much that I’ve been looking for other outlets. So when I spotted that the Asheville Celtic Festival was happening, I knew I … Read More “Celtic Cosplay in Asheville” »
I went nearly a month between blog posts. For me, that’s unheard of. It seems that over the last year or so posts have been fewer and farther between. I could blame it on writer’s block, being busy, and a whole host of other things. While those things do come into play, I think I’ve … Read More “Housekeeping and Catching Up” »
I have let things slip. Yes, it’s been another writer’s block stretch. I’ve been doing research and some exploration, but nothing that would make a whole blog post. I’ve posted things to Flickr and to Facebook, but not here. So, I’m going to do a catch-up/update post with a few miscellaneous items, then do several shorter separate posts.
After only seven months on the job I have resigned as music director at Hopewell Methodist Church. It just didn’t work out, for lots of reasons. When I took the job my duties were to play the piano for services, direct the church choir, and oversee the other music ministries. My stated goals were to … Read More “Maybe There’s Hope” »
For many years I was music director at McCarter Presbyterian Church here in Greenville. McCarter is a small church located prominently at the intersection of Pelham Road and East North Street, a spot it has occupied for the past 123 years. It seemed a unique little church in the bustle of a major neighborhood that somehow managed to survive.
But then I found out that it wasn’t unique.
I usually don’t go in for Facebook memes or games. My friend J. Todd Settle tagged me in one recently and I gave it some serious thought. The idea is to post twenty albums that had some influence over you. According to the rules you’re supposed to post one album per day, then tag someone else to annoy each day. I just don’t do that sort of stuff, but I do like the idea of reflecting on the music that played a part in your life. So, rather than annoy friends on Facebook, I’m going to post the whole kit and caboodle here. Sorry, Todd. I’ve always been an iconoclast.
It’s strange how procrastination operates, especially when blogging. I like to keep things as current as possible, but sometimes I get behind. That’s when a vicious cycle kicks in. I feel like I can’t write about new things until I’ve covered some of the events I’ve missed, then I get to a point where the backlog seems insurmountable. At that point procrastination becomes stagnation.
Just a word of advertisement here… Fellow blogger and online friend Brad Willis has put together an amazing podcast. In 1975 narcotics detective Frank Looper was murdered. Charles Wakefield, Jr. was charged with the crime, and his arrest warrant listed the charges as “Murder, etc.“ Brad’s story is intriguing and is of a quality on … Read More “Murder, Etc.” »
Thanksgiving has come and gone and we now find ourselves no the first day of December, 2018. I didn’t do any great explorations or historic research over the past couple of weeks, but I did get out and about. Perhaps I should start a series similar to my “Random Skagit” posts from last year in Washington State. Regardless, here’s a roundup of a few of the happenings over the last week or so.