Google’s at it again with another product that everyone wants. This time it makes more sense than Buzz or Wave. Google is looking for a community to serve as a test bed for its 1 gigabit fiber optic Internet connection, and Greenville wants it.
Of course, so do several other cities. Topeka, Kansas notoriously renamed itself “Google” for a day or so, and Google reciprocated by renaming itself “Topeka” for April Fool’s. Locally, folks gather in Falls Park with glow sticks to form the Google Logo.
An informal poll is now open for people to vote on one of the twenty communities in competition. Right now Greenville is in the lead with 31% of the vote, but Asheville isn’t far behind, with 26%.
So, all you Greenville readers follow the link below, and make sure you vote for Greenville!
You do understand that this site is completely unrelated to Google in any way, and exists SOLELY to generate ad revenue, right? The site was registered by a guy in India, and he’s doing this poll to generate traffic to display more ads – look at all the ads on the right side of the page. This poll does nothing more than bring him cash by pulling in web traffic and displaying ads. Don’t give him any more cash, stop visiting the site.