It’s back! The websites formerly known as "Bob Jones a Go-Go" has returned. The URL is now, but the content is the same. The tagline is "A Look Inside the Wacky World of Bob Jones University," and that should give you a pretty good idea of the site’s flavor.
Written by a former BJU student, the site features excerpts from the student hand book (did you know they can take your diploma away AFTER you graduate if they think you’re not Christian enough?), explores BJU’s links with the KKK and other racist organizations, and takes a look at other BJU graduates/escapees and where they are now. It also explores BJU’s influence on local politics and points out other oddities (such as the fact that students cannot bring CDs of popular music to school, but can bring their guns.)
In addition to the BJU materials, NoBoJo also has links to other right-wing radical weirdos, and spotlights a Wingnut of the Week. This week it’s the ever-popular Reverend Fred Phelps and his latest project, Apparently he’s upset because King Gustav’s daughter was photographed at a state function wearing a ballgown that showed a bit of cleavage. The horror. Of course, Phelps posted the picture on his own site just so he could be constantly reminded of how bad she was.
Unfortunately, as the number of links on the NoBoJo site point out, there seems to be plenty of fodder for Wingnut of the Week like the Phelps site. While reading it can be amusing, the sad realization is that some people take these idiots seriously. Scarier still is the fact that Bob Jones is toward the left edge of the really radical groups. For that, BJU itself has come under fire from some for not being fundamentalist enough. I guess it’s hard to stay on the cutting edge of intolerance.
[tags]Bob Jones University, Recreational Christianity[/tags]
I wish that the site would point out positives of the university as well (what positives there are). Maybe I try to be kinder than God?
It could be fun to have an equivilant for “great moments in Presidential speeches” (a David Letterman bit that shows how dumb Dubyah sounds) for religious types. Say, have some really wonderful comments by a couple of real icons of faith, then some hate-speak by one of the Jonses. Might have potential.
That site is devoted to anti-Christian persecution. It even named us “Wingnut of the Week.”
And from what I can see on your website, that honor was justly awarded. You are indeed a bunch of wingnuts.