Normally our clan gathers at Christmas, but this year many were going to be gone. So, we decided to get the gang together for Thanksgiving. And what a crowd it was – 2 parents, 7 children, 9 in-laws, 12 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren, 1 aunt, 1 uncle, and 1 boyfriend, plus several dogs. 38 in the family, and 41 present for the day.
Beth’s husband, Eddie, has been battling cancer this year, so we all wore Team Eddie T-shirts to show that we are behind him and support him. It was quite a surprise for them. Even the dogs had on Team Eddie bandannas.
Of course, there were cameras everywhere, and we had to pose for the obligatory group shots. This was the first for little Olivia, and was actually the first time Chip and Anna have ventured out with her. We’ll hope she wasn’t unduly traumatized.
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a feast, and that we certainly had. Merritt brought the turkey, and everyone else brought dishes to accompany it. We were able to convince Glynda to NOT bring her mince meat pies.
Of course, it also wouldn’t be a Taylor gathering without singing. the grandkids had brought their guitars, as usual. When we gather at Christmas we sing carols and attempt the Hallelujah Chorus a capella. This time, we just did one run through of Mom’s favorite hymn, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”
It was a fun gathering, and we all had too much to eat.
Friday was much quieter. Laura and I avoided the Black Friday madness and just did chores around the house. We had a repeat Thanksgiving meal with just a small turkey breast so that Laura’s mom could have Thanksgiving with us.
Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. We get a good bit of time off, and apart from cooking and cleaning up, there are no real obligations – no gifts to buy, no concerts to attend, etc. But as I sit here Saturday morning watching the sun rise, it seems like the week has gone by far too fast.
Liked your story telling with the pics Tom – flowed together well! Taking Katie to airport around noon today – she has an interview in Fla. Talk later.