Who knew that keeping a blog could generate such anxiety? Apparently it does. I need to take a step back for a bit. Exactly one week from today we leave for the return trip to South Carolina. There’s just too much going on. I will be taking a break until we return to the east coast.
That doesn’t mean that there is any shortage of topics. Some of these are significant events and I don’t want to shortchange them. I attended the Skagit Valley Highland Games a couple of weeks ago and had a blast. There are lots of comparisons to be drawn with our own games back home. Plus, I just got back from a weekend in Chicago were my nephew, Mason, married the lovely Nell Buettner. That weekend deserves multiple posts, and I definitely don’t want to omit it.
For now, though, we’re just trying to keep everything together. We have our moving crate from U-Haul and are trying to get it packed before they come for it on Thursday. There are lots of last-minute things to do, including a couple of final music gigs and goodbyes to dear friends that we’ve made out here. Leaving is never easy, even if it’s leaving to go home.
I’ll try to post some stuff as we travel. We’re taking a new northerly route across North Dakota, Minnesota, and down through Illinois and a bit of Ohio. Both of us will add new states to our travel list. Between the goodbyes, packing, and long, long days of travel, there might be time to write and post photos. Until that time, though, we’ll be swamped. RandomConnections will get back to normal (or as normal as it gets around here) when we’re settled back home.