What can I say about the Super Bowl that hasn’t already been discussed ad nauseum in the media? Janet Jackson flashed a boob on national TV. So what? Happens all the time on European TV.
Here’s the “so what”: the boob flash was part of a half-time stunt where Justin Timberlake was supposed to rip off part of her outfit at the end of a song in which he sang “I’ll have you naked by the end of this song.” A bit of red lace was supposed to remain covering the breast, but a “wardrobe malfunction” caused the entire patch of material to be torn away, revealing a bare breast covered only by a nipple ring and what I now know to be a “nipple shield.” You never know what some people feel needs protecting!
Whether intentional or not, the nudity was not the problem. The problem was that the show meant to simulate the ripping away of a woman’s clothing, apparently without her consent. That’s attempted rape. That’s the problem, and for someone to think that this is acceptable on family TV with no warning would be ludicrous. Of course, the rest of the half-time show was almost as bad, with writhing sexual inuendo throughout. God, I sound like a prude. I’m not — it was just that bad.
One thing to note – it took about 3.5 minutes for the images of Janet Jackson to hit the Internet. Fark posted multiple links because servers were getting killed with the traffic.
The game itself was outstanding, and was the closest I can ever remember. I hate that the Panthers couldn’t pull it off in the end (maybe they should take lessons from Justin.)
The entire spectacle was seen at my house by a large portion of my family. The annual Kane-Maguire Chemistry Super Bowl Party apparently is no more, so we had folks over here. John Ellenberg and I cooked chili and we had lots of fixin’s to go with it. It was a nice evening.
As for today, school got called off, again. The weather forecast was for ice starting in the afternoon, but it never happened. Another quite day at work, but another day we have to make up later in the year.