Two days and a surprise ice storm later, I’m finally back at work. Sunday morning we got up with no clue as to what was about to happen. By chance we watched the forecast, and was surprised to see an ice storm on the way. We did the emergency milk and bread thing at the grocery store first thing in the morning and got back just in time for the precipitation to start.
By Monday morning things were iced over thoroughly. The weird thing is that it coming. It seems that the forecast was updated regularly with additional calls for more sleet. Fortunately for us (but not for mid-state) most of it stayed to the south of us.
By Tuesday evening, both of us were getting cabin fever. We managed (barely) to make it out of our neighborhood in the afternoon and hit Atlanta Bread Company for cafe mochas. Chili’s was open for dinner, but the mall and most of the stores in town were closed.
This morning schools were still closed, but we had to come in. It was actually nice and quiet, so I got some work done. I’m betting kids will be back tomorrow.