After last night’s Frisbee binge, I wasn’t so sure I’d make it out of bed this morning. However, I managed to make it up in time to join several of my Flickr friends for a photo walk in Springwood Cemetery. As with our recent Furman photo walk in November, there were four of us roamed through the historic cemetery, taking advantage of good morning lighting. We even found the grave of Homer Simpson.
I brought my Nikon N60 film camera and shot a roll of actual film, so it will be some time before those images are online. With my D50, I tried some exposure bracketing for HDR. Normally, I use white balance bracketing for this process, but thought I would do something different. I haven’t had a chance to process all of the images from that photo walk. Rather than dump a bunch of images to Flickr all at once, I’m going to take my time with post-processing, using some of the techniques I’ve been learning in my Photoshop class. Those will be available in this photo set on my Flickr stream.
Myself also. I did play around with HDR last night on a couple few of my pics, but it’s going to take some time to post process all of them. Especially since I just got done post processing all of the pictures from the wedding I was at. HDR files are 57MB!!! Wow.