This week was the spotlight blog for Sound Off South, a website from WYFF-TV that showcases blogs from Upstate South Carolina. Early this morning I headed down to the WYFF studios for a live interview with Kelly Coakley for the 7:00 am Sunday morning newscast. I would be doing two short segments, one during each half-hour of the broadcast. Below are links to video clips of the interviews:
In the first part I was asked some questions about the blog in general. How did I get started blogging? What topics did I cover? etc. Kelly also asked about my interest in photography and showed some examples of my work. In the second interview I was asked about my interest in paddling and was asked some questions about instructional technology. The time passed very quickly, and I felt like I babbled for much of it.
I have been on television sets before, but it’s always fascinating to watch the behind the scene machinations that go into a production like this. Having worked with a bit of video production myself, I love seeing a professional outfit at work. I was especially impressed with Keisha Kirkland, who was able to do voice-overs for her weather reports while walking around the studio and fixing her hair and doing a dozen other things – just a small part of what the audience never sees.
As you might imagine, the hits on this website have increased with the interview and with the link to the site prominently displayed on the Sound Off South website. RandomConnections was started five years ago this month, and it always amazes me how many people visit this site, and how many of those are brave enough to come back for more. For those of you who read regularly, I thank you. If I can’t be useful or relevant, I hope I can at least be entertaining, and that I can continue to provide random connections to the things that I find fascinating.
Excellent job Tom. You’re much more comfortable in front of the camera than I am.
Just watched the videos Tom. Great job. When are they going to have you back and schedule enough time to cover the rest of your interests? Proud of ya!
Awesome! It is great that you got recognized for this. I’ve enjoyed this reading this blog for a while now.
I saw the segments this weekend and told my wife “I read that guy’s blog!”
Congrats on the recognition.
The video links don’t work anymore, but these links do work:
Part 1 –
Part 2 –
Yeah, even the domain name has been taken over by someone else. Thanks for the updated links!