Winter is one of my favorite times to get out and about and do some cool stuff. You can see so much more without leaves and undergrowth in the way. I was hoping to have a couple of blog posts in the pipe by now, but things kept getting in the way. Subsequently, I’m doing a catch-all post this week. I’ll try to do better, but I’ve got some healing to do first.
We missed our second Saturday outing with Lowcountry Unfiltered, and last weekend I was battling a nasty head cold. That was one blog post down. We did have a good day on Sunday. There was an excellent party with neighbors and friends from Furman. Had a great time catching up with both groups. That evening I attended a benefit for my friend Russ Morin, who is batting cancer. Gene Berger from Horizon Records put on an excellent gathering at The Bohemian. I was able to catch up with a long-lost cousin, and saw even more friends from Furman.
A new gym opened up around from our house. I decided to give it a try, so Monday morning I went over for a workout. I’d noticed that my ankle was a bit sore even before I went to the gym. By the time I got done with the treadmill it was aching. I continued with the workout. By that evening it was really sore, and by Tuesday I was in agony.
Tuesday was when the snow started. Forecasters were predicting this to be one of the worst in a long time. The snow was beautiful as it fell, but wasn’t sticking to anything. It was odd – branches and leaves were covered, but the ground was clear.
I tried to go to the grocery store, but walking was pure agony. I managed to make it back home and decided to stay put.
Wednesday morning the snow started in earnest. The flakes were tiny, but this time they were sticking. Schools were cancelled, and I even got a robocall from my old school district. Apparently I was still on their list.
I desperately wanted to get out and play in the snow, but my foot hurt too badly. I had to enjoy the view from our back windows.
By early evening we were getting sleet, and it was adding an icy veneer to the snow. I knew this stuff would be with us for a bit.
Thursday morning it was STILL snowing – this time big fluffy flakes. It felt kind of weird. My teacher friends were talking about snow days and missing school, and to me it was just another day. I don’t think anything has made me feel as weird about retirement as these snow days have. So, even with a hurt foot, I was determined to get out and about.
Using my two trekking poles I was able to walk very slowly. Several neighbors were sledding on the hill just down from us, and we could hear the excited screams from “Suicide Hill” across the lake. That was our tentative goal. Laura and I made it past our cul-du-sac and down to the wetlands. We crossed the small bridge over Brushy Creek, but by that time I was in agony. No Suicide Hill this time. We slowly made our way back.
Cabin fever was hitting me VERY hard. Temperatures were rising, and the roads looked like they were clearing. I managed to get the Subaru out and drive around the area a bit. There was slush, and I knew schools would be cancelled for yet another day, but I could get out if necessary. Our local Walmart was a zoo, so I skipped getting more olives for martinis, and opted for mochas at the McDonalds drive-through instead.
Friday morning, Valentine’s Day, it was clear enough for Laura and I to go out for breakfast instead of trying to schedule an evening out for dinner. We felt like we had already celebrated – first with our 25th anniversary cruise, and last week when we celebrated Laura being free from cancer for one year.
Laura headed on up to Furman, and I headed downtown to the doctor’s office to check out my foot. X-rays didn’t reveal any fractures, so the doctor said I must have sprained it somehow. I was given a brace, along with instructions on keeping off of it and keeping it elevated.
…Which brings us to this Saturday morning, a week later. The snow is mostly gone. I’m sorely disappointed that I didn’t get to play in it, and, worse yet, I didn’t really take any cool photographs. The ankle isn’t hurting nearly as bad, and I can get around a bit better.
The most striking news, though, were tons of Facebook posts about a 4.1 magnitude earthquake centered near Edgefield. Most of my friends felt it. Laura says she noticed it at about 10:25 pm. I was just getting into bed and was concentrating more on my foot. I completely missed it. Oh well.
So, another week starts. This will be a busy one, with museum consultations, dentist appointments, and rehearsals for our concert a week from Sunday. I’m just hoping this ankle continues to improve.