I have to confess. I really like journaling. Otherwise I wouldn’t have kept this blog for nearly 20 years. But this blog isn’t my only outlet. I’ve kept written journals for specific purposes over the years, but haven’t had much success with a daily journal. The one thing I’ve learned over the years is that the documentation of life shouldn’t interfere with the living thereof. That includes taking photos and audio recording in addition to writing. I join in the musicians circle rather than trying to record it. I participate rather than photograph. If I miss some opportune photos, so be it.
I now have three journaling strategies which I hope will meet my prime directive of living life without interference. First is my good old paper journal. I write in it sporadically. Its subject matter is more introspective and philosophical. Some of those writings may wind up here, not without major editing. I tend to write with my favorite pen in my own flowing, largely illegible cursive.
For day to day journaling I use the Day One app. I got it several years ago and used it sporadically, but I’ve become more dedicated to a daily writing regimen. The app works on my computer, iPad, and iPhone. I pay a subscription fee and it syncs across all platforms, including web browsers.
What makes this even more convenient is that it works on my Apple Watch. I can do quick notes via dictation wherever I am and these will be transcribed and synchronized across my devices. What’s even better is that not only do I get a time stamp, but it records the location and even the weather at that location. This is very convenient for when I want to record information about a specific spot.
I’ve learned that I don’t have to be prosaic every entry. Just a sentence or two will work. It could be an idea for a song, observation, or whatever. Sometimes these entries will become blog posts here. Most of the time their just an aid for further research.
Day One has recently been purchased by the parent company of WordPress, which is what I use for my blog. Sadly, they haven’t figured out a way to integrate the two. I’d love to be able to press a button in Day One and have it publish here. Maybe someday soon.