I’m getting the hang of this new camera. It’s simplicity makes taking great shots almost as simple as point-n-click.
On my Nikon N60, I had never really learned how to use the controls like I wanted. The frugal part of me didn’t want to waste film with experimentation, so I never really got good with the manual controls. The D50 has the same controls for shutter speed and aperture. I can experiment all I want and learn how to use them properly, then transfer those skills back to the N60.
I now have three options for taking digital pictures at any given time:
- Camera phone – medocre quality (1.3 megapixels), but always at the ready. Also quite stealthy, if necessary.
- Nikon Coolpix S1 – very good quality, and usually in my pocket. Not as stealthy as the camphone, but not as overt as a larger camera.
- Nikon D50 – superb quality, but not with me all the time.
Someday, though, I’m really going to have to take a picture of something other than flowers on macro settings.
[tags]Nikon, D50, N60, digital photography[/tags]