First Terri Schaivo, then Wil Wheaton’s cat, and now the Pope. There is something about lingering high-profile departures that let emotions build to a climax. A quick, peaceful end would have been very different – in the case of Schaivo, the circus around her death might have been avoided. Where the pope was concerned, the world would have grieved, but there would not have been the lengthy papal vigil as he slowly slipped away. I myself got wrapped up, turning on CNN every hour to see his condition. However, watching the spectacle, with the myriad Vatican traditions witnessed by millions, I mused that a conspiracy of Dan Brown proportions was building, and that I was watching a novel unfold.
Speaking of the Pope, I just barely remember the previous pope. I’ll leave it to the pundits to review his legacy. He seemed to me to be a man of convictions, a good man, and one who helpd bring an end to communism. I couldn’t agree with many of his views, but I think that first and foremost he had the well-being of humanity as his primary concern. I don’t think I could say that about many other religious leaders with whom I disagree – those that seem to be less concerned about their fellow man than with either converting others to their point of view and thereby bringing them under their power, or condemning those that don’t believe their views to eternal damnation.
With the deaths of Terri Schaivo and John Paul II, the entire world seems to be in a funereal state of mind. Add to that this morning that my nephew had been in an accident with his friend driving. He’s going to be OK, but his friend suffered severe head injuries, and his condition is iffy, at best. While on the phone getting the news, I looked out at our blooming yard, and reflected that the link between the resurrection themes of Easter and the nature of rebirth of springtime give hope, especially in this time of mourning.
Wierd thought – it’s not springtime in the southern hemisphere. That must really mess up their religious symbology. Since this weekend we also go on Daylight Savings time, it seems to me that the southern hemisphere would be on the exact opposite schedule. I may have to look this up.