I decided not to miss any more opportunities, or at least to make my own. This morning I got up very early (actually, my normal work week time) and headed out to take some shots with my new lens. I had two goals – first, to get some long exposure shots before the sun actually came up, and secondly, to catch some neat lighting as the sun actually rose.
My first destination was the Rock Quarry Garden. I was hoping that a bit of mist would be trapped in the depressed area. It was here that I discovered the first drawback with my new lens. The autofocus doesn’t seem to work in low light. I should not have been surpised. I didn’t even have enough light for me to focus manually. I guessed at the range and set the focus that way. Those shots didn’t come out very well.
The next stop was Falls Park. Instead of starting at the top of Liberty Bridge, I drove to the other side of the river and took some shots across. Here’s one with long exposure…
It’s interesting how the streetlights take on a greenish hue. I used a smaller aperture with long exposure, and it also tended to give the lights a star effect.
The next shots were taken of the lower falls and bridge over the creek that feeds the Reedy.
I climbed on up closer to the falls and took some close-ups of various components of the falls.
By this time I was a bit chilled and needed some coffee to wake up. I dropped into the Starbucks at the top of the park, then paused to take some shots of the buildings that were beginning to catch the light as a descended into the park again.
Leaving Falls Park, I drove down Main Street, and eventually stopped at Springwood Cemetery. Some of these shots have been redone with a fake lomography effect.