The first day of May has arrived, and with it, the showers that were supposed to have begun in April – March, actually. I think this is the first time we’ve had rain in two months. It’s one of those wonderfully greeny-gray days where everything looks lush. I’m sure that lushness will turn into stifling humidity as the day wears on.
I’m supposed to go into work today to work on the SCALE project – outside. My thoughts are that it ain’t gonna happen. Tomorrow’s grand SCALE Gala probably won’t happen, either, especially with a 70% chance of rain.
I remember when we lived in Tucson, outdoor events would be called off for even a 30% chance of rain. I guess they react to rain much as we react to snow and ice. We/they don’t see enough of it, so they don’t know how to handle it. They can’t drive in the rain, either. Boy, I love mass generalizations. It makes the world so much easier to comprehend. I should have been a Republican.