It has been said that my brothers and I look like triplets. Well, I’ve found a way to have that experience even when they’re not around. I can clone myself, thanks to a free program called Groupshot from Microsoft.
Have you ever taken a picture of a group of people, only to find that one person is blinking, or another looking the wrong way, or another picking their nose? Groupshot was meant to fix this. If you have multiple shots of a scene with little variation, the program allows you to highlight important areas that you want to retain, then creates a composite of those important sections.
The unintended benefit is that you can clone yourself by changing position and reshooting. As you might imagine, there is already a Flickr group dedicated to the program and practice. It’s entitled “Scientific Progress goes Boink!” after the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon with the same caption.
Laura always says I’m too competitive. Now I’ve got a worthy opponent!
[tags]clone, Groupshot, photography[/tags]