One issue on next week’s ballot is the proposed Amendment #1 to the SC Constitution. This "Defense of Marriage" amendment would restrict marriage to a man and a women. I’m sure that’s something to get all of the conservative juices flowing and make sure that all the little Republicans come out to defend marriage and also vote for Republican candidates. But here’s the rub…South Carolina ALREADY HAS A LAW against gay marriage! This amendment has no other purpose than to rile and rally voters.
Of course, the amendment’s sponsors would NEVER say that this is the purpose of this ballot issue. They would contend that the law isn’t sufficient, and that an amendment is necessary should some legislator want to go monkeying with that law.
This would be the very first amendment to the South Carolina Constitution since it was adopted in 1895. It seems that for their first amendment you would think that South Carolinians would pass something that GRANTS rather than REMOVES RIGHTS. However, this is South Carolina.