It’s been a crazy start to the year. We returned from Florida, had five days at home, then we left for a seven day cruise around the Caribbean to celebrate our 30th anniversary. That hasn’t left much time for blogging. Here’s a wrap-up…
Christmas was a riot of unwrapping and more kayaking. I got some safety gear for paddling, including new radios and a deck compass.
We had a nice New Year’s gathering with family and saw in 2019 with music and noise.
Here’s a link to all of the photos from the holidays on Flickr:

We were back in town for only five days when it was time to pack up and head out again. This time we were leaving for a cruise around the Eastern Caribbean for our 30th anniversary. We did a cruise to the Bahamas for our 25th anniversary and enjoyed it. We decided to go further for this one. We would be on Royal Caribbean’s Freedom of the Seas for a seven-day cruise from San Juan that would take us to St. Kitts, Antigua, St. Lucia, Barbados, and St. Maarten.
The trip was a blast, but we’re glad to be back and on a regular schedule. I won’t belabor the details, but here’s a link to the photos from the trip:

With 2019 underway I’m ready for more adventures. I’m looking forward to more great music and there are some new things on the horizon. More news on that front as things develop.