“Hello. My Name is Tom”
(Group responds – “Hello Tom”)
“I am a choir director. It has been one year since my last rehearsal.”
…and so the 12-step program goes. So what has happened in the one year since McCarter? We haven’t taken anywhere near the number of weekend trips we said we would be taking. We have relaxed more on Sunday, to the point that church attendance has become minimal. I haven’t been innundated with calls from the congregation to return when they got a new minister. I’m guessing that we both have reached a point of equilibrium.
So, what has happened in the past month? Most of it is detailed in the travel log on my other site, so I won’t repeat it here. It is now the Fourth of July Weekend, specifically July 3, a dangerous day for us, economically. It was July 3 that we bought the kayaks, and July 3 that we got our first hot tub. I don’t think we have plans for a major purchase this time around, unless you count the cross-country trip we just took. I actually can’t think of anything large we need. Except, perhaps, for a new desktop computer for my office to replace the old clunker.
Speaking of new computers, Hewlett-Packard has officially become the absolute worst computer company, as far as I’m concerned. Three major orders with them, and multiple screw-ups on their end have made it so that I will never, never, never make another purchase from them. Even my new home computer will be something different. I’m thinking about the new Sony Vaio, with capacity for 1.6 terabytes.
Even without buying a major item, I did manage to spend lots of money. I got the trip photos done. Their quality and expense almost make me want to go totally digital and forget this old-fashioned film stuff. I also loaded my car down with flammable materials of all types of varieties — lighters, propane fuel, and small compressed containers of explosives otherwise known as fireworks. I was just hoping nobody hit the car on the way home.