‘Tis the season of gluttony, starting in early October when it’s semi-OK to open the Halloween candy (in preparation for the upcoming holiday), lasting through endless Thanksgiving feasts and Christmas parties, and ending with a diabetic hangover and accompanying resolutions sometime around New Year’s. As I watch my expaning waistline, I know that I can’t take another such season without serious repercussions.
Instead of New Year’s resolutions, I think we should start making resolutions at the end of summer, at the beginning of the academic new year. That would cover the Season of Gluttony, as well as get folks in shape for high school and college homecomings. I have long since given up on looking good in a swimsuit, so making such resolutions in spring or at the beginning of summer don’t do me much good.
Nah, I think I’ll start making my resolutions each August 1. I wonder if it’s too late for this time around.