I really detest blogs that apologize for the lack of recent posts. Yet here I am doing just that. Busy holiday season, concerts, etc. etc. etc., plus any other lame excuse I can toss that direction will have to suffice. But, hey, it’s only been a week since my last post, so I’m not as bad as some.
I actually had a couple of articles ready to go. I finished my Photoshop class Wednesday and was going to share tons of new ideas. That may still come later. I was going to write something about selecting an appropriate GPS for a present. However, with Christmas shopping nearly done, it didn’t seem very timely any more – a bit earlier might have been helpful.
As I considered a post about blogging, I remember an article I found some time back by Min Yung Kim, posted way back in the blogging dark ages of 2005.
- Start reading blogs.
- You start a blog.
- You become a stats whore.
- You become really personal on your site as the online and real-life worlds start confusing you.
- You faux €œretire€ from blogging.
- You cave back into blogging in less than 72 hours.
- You decide to €œget serious€ about blogging.
- You have a pseudo flirty im/blogging/flickr flirting relationship with another blogger whom you have never met.
- You decide that you must meet other bloggers.
- You take a step back and metablog about blogging and what blogging has done about your blogging.
- See step 5.
- You decide that as a result of step 10 and having repeated step 5 more than 3 times in the course of your lifecycle as a blogger, that you need to sanitize or reinvent your blog.
- You either lose your job because of blogging, are afraid of losing your job for blogging, or join a company that builds blogging tools.
- You decide to start an anonymous livejournal blog.
Min had a few more details for each step, but this is the just of it. I guess this post puts me squarely at step 10. Let’s just hope that I don’t every get to number 13.