While my brother, Steve, was off wandering around Jerusalem, my other brother Houston and I made a journey to Mt. Carmel. However, our destination was a bit closer to home. Houston and I have gotten in the habit of making these treks of photography and discovery in the winter months. Last year it was around the backroads and waterfalls of Pickens County. This year we had set our sites on Abbeville and McCormick Counties, hoping to explore some areas where our ancestors had lived. The journey was quite successful, and we came back with tons of photographs and tales of those chance encounters that can only happen in small Southern towns.
As much as I was initially impressed with VoiceThread, I’ve noticed some severe limitations to the system. I still think it’s an extremely easy way to narrate a slide show and to solicit audio comments. I’ll probably still use it to create some quick narration to embed here and on other sites. However, I’m spotting … Read More “Voice Thread Second Thoughts” »