Man, there is some stiff competition at this conference. I thought my iPod, Palm with keyboard, Nikon S1 and duel phone combination would score beauceau points. Even with the goatee, I was outclassed by ponytails and black attire.
Of course, the main problem with my gear is that it’s not the smallest, nor is it self-contained. It’s a bit bulkier than a Blackberry or Treo, and the camera isn’t included. However, until the camphones can do 5 megapixels with 3X optical zoom, I doubt that will be a strong appeal for me.
And, while my Palm has WiFi, I’m dependent on hotspots – not quite as flexible as the Blackberry and Treo for ubiquitous access. The other area where I’m efficient is BlueTooth. I don’t have a Borg-like attachment wirelessly connecting me to my phone. I don’t look like I’m talking to imaginary friends or contacts.