Usually by this time in February I’ve been on several photo treks and have lots of of interesting places to write about. This year is a bit different. We did take a trip to Asheville and Biltmore, but we’ve had yucky weather and illness get in the way, too. Therefore, I haven’t felt too inspired to blog lately. Here’s a quick rundown, though…
I was out for three days last week with a bad cold, and Laura had some bad stomach bug over the weekend. It was not fun for either of us, but we seem to be back to normal now.
I went to a party in Columbia for my friend Dwight’s 50th birthday. I was glad to do it, but it meant driving all the way down I-26, with another drive down there this week, so I’ve seen a good bit of that interstate.
Of course, the big party this time of year is the annual Furman Chemistry Department Superbowl Party. I’m always expected to bring jalapeno poppers, which are jalapenos stuffed with a small piece of chicken, cream cheese, and wrapped in bacon. These are then grilled.
The party was over at Paul Wag’s place once again. We watched Christina Aguilera butcher the national anthem, and the sound engineers butcher the Black Eyed Peas for half-time. Other than that, the game was pretty good, with the Packers beating the Steelers. I like the fact that this was two occupations battling each other.
As previously mentioned, there was a trip to Columbia on Tuesday, and I’ve been dealing with network problems right and left at work. Right now I kind of wish those snow days hadn’t eaten up our time off. I was actually kind of looking forward to having this Friday off. Oh well.
So, this weekend we’ve got another Lowcountry Unfiltered trip. I’m sure that I’ll have lots of photos and a few more stories when we get back.
Do you by chance parboil the chicken before stuffing the peppers? I think I’d like to give this a try.
No, I just cut the chicken into small enough pieces so that they cook on the grill. I updated the post with a link to the original recipe.