I’ve decided that the macro lens on the Nikon S1 is its best feature, apart from its tiny size. The image above was taken this afternoon.
Weekend Update:
Furman lost to GSU 24-27 in a heartbreaker. I watched the game on TV while chatting online with my UFFP pals.
On Sunday things went very smoothly. It was the annual Remembrance Service, held as close to All Saint’s Day as possible. Those congregants that have died in the past year are remembered, so the entire service takes on a requiem tone. The choir did Gilbert Martin’s arrangement of Abide with Me, and after they sang for the 11:15 service, I heard an audible "wow" come up from the congregation. Laura reminded me that I’m only an interim, and should not be doing too good a job lest they want me to stick around or, worse yet, drag their feet looking for someone permanent.
I find myself walking a thin line through a minefield at this church. First there are the opposing views as to what direction the music program should take. Then there are the reactions of those who are pleased with what I’ve done so far. For example, Sunday evening I was invited to a retirement dinner for the former director. Since we are friends, I decided to attend. Several told me that they thought the choir had more energy and a sparkle to the sound – this all within earshot of the former director. While I appreciate their comments, it was a bit awkward, and I wasn’t sure how to react. I did my diplomatic best to minimize anything I might have to do with it, instead emphasizing the talent of the choir, etc. I’m just glad that it is an interim position.