Exactly 40 years ago tonight Star Trek debuted on NBC with the episode "The Man Trap." TV Land aired that episode this evening, along with four others. The episodes for the first series were filmed, but were not aired sequentially. Some episodes that aired later in the year actually had elements that pre-dated "The Man Trap." Still, all of these have a unique primitive feel to them, from the weird lights that flash on bizarre control panels, to the alien animated plant that’s obviously a fuzzy glove on a hand.
I only saw a few of the original episodes on their original air dates. I was five when it premiered, and it came on after my bed time. When I reached my teens, I became a true Trekkie, with models of the ship, phasors, and communicators. I had (have, see below) the blueprints for the ship, as well as a technical manual. By this time being able to watch the show was a rare treat. The show was in syndication, but only aired on stations that we could barely get. It’s rarity made it just that much more appealing.
Now, 30 years after the height of my Trekkiness, watching the show is enjoyable as much for campiness as for the stories.
Happy 40th.
[tags]Star Trek 40th Anniversary, Star Trek[/tags]
NOTE: Laura was a bit concerned as to how quickly I could lay my hands on this set of blueprints.