It’s one week until elections, and I’m disgusted with South Carolina politics. In particular, I’m disgusted with Greenville politics. Progressive minds in our county seem to be few and far between, and progressive candidates are even more scarce.
Point One – Greenville has screwed up voter registration cards. There have been many changes in polling locations, be we still have not received our new cards. According to the South Carolina Election Commission website, we do have a new polling place in our neighborhood, but I don’t know many that would go through the effort I have to find this information. Those that show up at the wrong poll probably won’t bother to vote, and unfortunately, many of those will be Democrats. I think it is a plot by entrenched Republicans.
(Sometime later in the day) Well, my card has arrived, but Laura’s has not. We did get a registration card for the FORMER resident. I smell a lawsuit. At least the lady at the county election commission was nice on the phone. She is printing a new one, which hopefully will arrive before Election Day.
Point Two – Greenville, and apparently South Carolina as well, seem to be keeping ballots a secret until the last possible minute. I finally found a sample of the Greenville ballot on the Greenville Election Commission website. Looks like there are two referendums – one dealing with eliminating minibottles (a good idea) and one granting tax brakes for mega-farms (a bad idea.) Nice that they keep us so well informed. Again, it took some searching on my part to find this. I don’t think the general populous would be as determined.
Point Three – I can’t see how anyone in their right mind could vote for George W. Bush, or any of the other Republicans, for that matter. The Shrub lives in a world of delusion, protected by his money and power hungry handlers. It’s sickening. A misguided war has cost us lives and world standing.
The Republican Party has allied itself with the Christian Right, and I’ve even heard talk from some that say you can’t call yourself a Christian if you vote for a Democrat. Hogwash. The GOP has used such deception and dirty tactics that if that’s what Chrisitianity stands for, I want no part of it. I think the Democratic Party best upholds the values of Christian charity and forgiveness.
Finally, as a matter of issues, I will always vote for candidates that protect the environment and support public education. The GOP has failed miserably on both fronts. The No Child Left Behind Act is a thinly disguised farce designed to destroy public education in favor of private schools. Once again, this is a darling of the Christian Right.
So, I guess there’s no disguising which way I’ll vote next week. I just wish more people could see through the BS put out by the Republicans.
Dear Tom:
Many thanks for the sample ballot info and your lucid well reasoned opinions. I am with you 100%.
Warmest regards,
Thanks for your kind words. This was actually written about four years ago, during GW Bush’s second mid-term.
The link to the SC Election Commission is still valid, but the link for the Greenville ballot doesn’t work now.
Even though this post was written four years ago, my sentiments about Republicans haven’t changed.