NOTE: Happy to report that Haus Edelweiss has reopened, and is doing fine.
Today I learned of the demise of one of my favorite Greenville restaurants – Haus Edelweiss. I almost went there for lunch yesterday instead of Cafe Paulista. An unconfirmed source stated that the original owner had sold the place a couple of years ago and had retired. For whatever reason, the new owners either couldn’t, or chose not to make a go of it any more.
Whenever I had a day off from school, Haus Edelweiss was one of the first places I considered for lunch. With its closing Greenville loses the only place for German cuisine in the area. We now have Cuban, Mexican, Chinese, Thai, Brazilian, and Vietnamese restaurants all over the place, but no German, despite the presence of BMW in our area. Oh well.
There is a place in Easley called “Cafe Fritz” on 123. Just past the old Pickens Produce Stnad location on the left. You might ckeck that out.
According to one of our UFFP friends, Cafe Fritz is also defunct now. Easley’s a bit out of my way, anyway.
Wow, that stinks!
Does anyone have any idea who owned Haus Edelweiss? I cannot find any property records and am interested in purchasing.
Haus Edelwiess will be reopening soon !
Wow! If that’s the case, then it would be fantastic! Got any details?
Just wanted to let you know that Haus Edelweiss is now open for lunch (11-3)!
Excellent! I drove by there the other night, and it seemed like there were signs of activity.