Mrs. Wright and Amy were having far too much fun, so I had to join in. However, my sickness was brought on my indigestion inducing over-eating, rather than by some bug. I’m sure exhaustion had a part to play in it. Regardless, Boxing Day turned out to be a day of recovery.
At some point we decided we needed to get some fresh air. This meant a bit of geocaching. Since Amy was still under the weather and had collapsed from all those that had gotten new GPS units for Christmas, I selected four caches I had already found that were quick, easy, and close to the house.
The first of these was in Holmes Park. We found it with no problem, then headed to the Timmons Park to find a trio of micros. We eventually found two of the trio. The first could almost be spotted from the parking lot. See if you can spot the impact trail and the location of the cache from this photo…