For some strange reason this website has gotten several hits from Google with the search terms "Google Earth" and "Pyramids." I’m assuming that folks are looking for the latitude and longitude of the Great Pyramids in Google Earth. Well, here’s how you do it…
First open Google Earth, then double-click on the Sight-Seeing folder under places. You should see listings for not only the Pyramids, but the Grand Canyon, Niagra Falls, and several other sites. But, just in case these instructions are too difficult, here’s the KMZ file for you. Just download and double-click.
There are tons of other things for newbies to see, too. Just check one or two of the boxes under "Layers" and see what emerges when you zoom in closer. For even more info, visit the Keyhole Bulletin Board, where users post other strange and wonderful things they have found.