I mentioned briefly that I was working on a project with SCETV. That project is about to get off the ground. On September 6, nature photographer Richard Bernabe will begin a journey from the North Carolina border paddling all the way to the Charleston Harbor. SCETV will follow Bernabe through its RiverVenture series on the KnowItAll.org website. Richard will be updating a blog with video clips on YouTube as he travels down South Carolina’s rivers.
As for my own small part in this project, I’ve been working with Patrick Hayes, a producer at SCETV, to figure out ways to embed Google Maps into the posts and to geotag the posts, video clips, and photographs. I’ve made some suggestions, and it will be interesting to see which they decide to use. I’ve created my own map of Richard’s journey, which can be seen below:
Richard is not the only one taking a state-wide paddle trip. John Lane is an English professor at Wofford and avid paddler. For the past several months he has been writing in his column in the Greenville Journal about his plans to take a similar journey. Lane’s route will differ from Bernabe’s slightly. He plans to start further into North Carolina on the Broad River, and at Lake Marion will continue on the Santee River to the coast, rather than taking the canal down to Lake Moultrie, then the Cooper River to Charleston, as Richard will do.
Both of these trips sound like they would be great experiences. I wish I had the endurance and time off from work to undertake such a journey. However, I’ll be following both trips vicariously through Richard and John’s writings.
[tags]paddling, rivers, SCETV, Richard Bernabe, John Lane[/tags]