I’ve added a couple of new tools to my arsenal of audio/video equipment. I haven’t really done much with podcasting or vodcasting, but I keep getting more and more requests for information about this. Even if this aren’t used for pod/vodcasting, they will still be great tools for digital storytelling.
First, on the left, is the Marantz PMD620. I’ve been wanting to get a professional level field recorder for some time now. Previously, I had been using my iPod with a Griffin iTalk audio recorder attachment. While the quality of the iPod setup was good, there were issues with power management and with the unit skipping during long recordings. I figured that a unit dedicated to recording such as the Marantz might be better.
This digital audio recorder will save to MP3 or uncompressed WAV files at various quality levels. It writes to SD cards, which makes it very convenient for transferring to computer, or you can transfer via USB. The unit has two built-in microphones, but also has jacks for external mikes. Operation looks clean and simple, and so far I’ve been impressed with the audio quality.
The camcorder is a new Sony Handycam DCR-SR220 recorder. This unit writes to a 60 GB hard drive, so there’s lots of space for recording lots of data. The video files are written as MPeg-4 files. While you can transfer files via Memory Stick, it’s easier transfer files via USB. The unit is tiny compared to other camcorders I’ve used. However, the video quality is outstanding.
As with the audio recorder, my Nikon S50 would do unlimited video recording, but the quality just wasn’t quite what I wanted. So the Sony unit fills that gap. I’m looking forward to using both of these with several projects I’ve got lined up.
I had the new gear out this evening as we were watching Ghost Hunters, and Laura pointed out another use for the equipment. The camcorder has a night vision mode. The audio recorder is perfect for recording EVP’s (if one believes in such things.) Add a laser thermometer, EMF detector and a proton pack, and I’d be all set to hunt ghosts, too.
[tags]podcasting, vodcasting, Marantz PMD620, Sony Handycam DCR-SR220, camcorder, audio, video[/tags]