It’s the time of year that I like the least. It’s hot and muggy, and the air has a transluscent orange hue to it. I remember writing a post about this time last year complaining about the orange air and the unwillingness of the powers that be to do anything about it, or even recognize the problem.
Sunday I planned to meet some acquaintances to do some geocaching. I got up early, hoping to catch some of the early morning light with my camera. There was no early morning light. There were no clouds to speak of, but there was a thick haze that dampened the sun. I did my geocaching, but no more. Rather than spend any more time out in the mess, we did an afternoon show of the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie (great flick, BTW.)
The past two days have not seem improvements in either air quality or comfort level. The sky hangs dark and heavy, as if rain were eminent, but again, there are no real clouds. If only it would rain, perhaps it would knock some of this blight from sky. However, our yard and the entire Upstate languishes under drought. It’s a cruel torture – looking like rain, but with none forthcoming.
While things might not improve here, at least I’ll have a change of scenery soon to brighten my mood.