With only hours to go in this year, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on it. While 2009 was a challenging year for so many, overall it was a good one for us.
We started the year with hope and celebration – hope in the inauguration of new president, and celebration of twenty years of wedded bliss with a trip to the Bahamas.
Work for both of us was challenging. We were both happy to have good, steady jobs, but sometimes that seemed like little comfort when things got difficult. Even so, Laura received recognition for her hard work by winning Furman’s Meritorious Teaching Award, as well as recognition for work she’s done to further awareness of women’s issues in academia. I received a major federal technology grant and gave several presentations for SCETV.
The Bahamas wasn’t the only trip we took. There was a summer trip to Maine to find lighthouses, a several trips to Florida, and Laura took trips to Washington State and Puerto Rico. During one month she hit three of the four corners of the continental United States. Some of the trips were for pleasure, some for work, and some for family.
Not all of the trips were long ones. I did more exploring and kayaking this year, with paddling trips down the Enoree, Edisto, Tyger, and Green Rivers. I added to my fleet of kayaks with two new touring boats, extending my paddling range a bit.
There were extended family health issues, with some serious illnesses. Laura and I managed to avoid the Swine Flu, but we both had our share of fevers this year. Our pets also did not fare well. We lost one cat lat in 2008, and two more early in 2009. Fortunately we were able to adopt two more lovable cats. We were also able to welcome a new member to our clan – a new great-niece.
And finally I converted. When my PC died I replaced it with a Mac. So, all-in-all an eventful year. It’s still hard to believe that tomorrow will be 2010.
Welcome to the MAC side!! Ive been on mine for now 3years. Can’t imagine going back (though I did break down and buy a Dell Mini for conferences and travel!) Wish I had thought to BEG you to do a presentation at SCASL in March (in Charleston). We have Will Richardson coming to do our keynote. Well, you could COME ANYWAY–and entertain me. You know we all speak a whole different language. We desperately need to educate some school librarians who need to grow and embrace 21C tools.