In Douglas Adam’s original radio play “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, Arthur Dent eventually lands on the planet Brontitall. There he discovers a super-evolved race of bird creatures with a painful past.
On Brontitall the main industry was the production of shoes. Eventually the economy reached the “Shoe Event Horizon” where it became economically unfeasible to have any other type of store except for shoe shops. Unfortunately, the quality of the shoes declined so much and became so painful that the Brontitallians evolved wings so they wouldn’t need to walk.
I believe that Florida has reached a similar event horizon. No, they haven’t evolved into bird-like creatures (unless you count snowbirds.) Rather, an analogous process has taken place in regards to Florida’s bars and restaurants. It’s now no longer economically feasible to perform music in a Florida bar unless you sing Jimmy Buffett and sing just like him. Period.
Perhaps Floridians, tired of painful Buffett wannabees will eventually lose their ears and evolve some sort of skin-vibration sensing system.