Last Saturday I opened the newspaper, and to my astonishment, there was a letter to the editor from one Thomas E. Taylor in Piedmont, lamblasting Jesse Jackson. While I concur with a good portion of his letter, I fear to think how many of my colleagues thought that was me! I actually got a hand-written letter yesterday from some 80-year old applauding my stand on the issue as far as Jesse Jackson is concerned! I wonder if I should write a response?
On another note… Today is ground zero day for Dixie Chicks. They start their US tour right here in my home town tonight. I agree with Natalie Maines that Shrub is a total moron, but really don’t care about the uproar around the issue. I’ve never been a DC fan, not being one for country music. I just hate the fact that this is one more opportunity for a bunch of idiots to shine a spotlight on Greenville as the center for ignorance in the world.