Warning: Don’t read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix before going to see the movie. The current big screen outing leaves out so much that loyal HP fans will be a bit dismayed. Rowling’s books have been getting longer and longer. It was inevitable that something was going to get the axe, otherwise the movies would take on Wagnerian proportions.
That being said, HPATOOTP was an outstanding movie. The magical effects were much more pronounced, especially the duels and acts of individual magic. The apparition sequences made one really believe in the power of these wizards, and that none were to be trifled with.
Rowling’s fifth book had been my least favorite. The first time I read it, Harry came off as whiny. I just read it recently, and felt a little better about the character. The movie did an excellent job of handling the teen angst, and gave me a better feel for Harry’s feelings. The main characters and actors are aging well, and each did a great job.
The supporting cast was a mixed bag. Julie Waters as Delores Umbridge made you instantly hate her. That was the point. She reminded me of so many substitute teachers I’ve encountered as a student. Natalia Tench was a much better Nymphodora Tonks than I had imagined. Evanna Lynch was the only real disappointment. Whether due to direction, or her own acting, Lynch underplayed the lunacy of Luna Lovegood to the point where it actually disrupted the timing of the movie. Any bit of dialog with her slowed things down uncomfortably.
Again, if one weren’t familiar with the book, or even the other movies, this would be an excellent film on its own. I personally will need to see it again before I pass final judgement, and that won’t be an unpleasant thing.
[tags]movie, Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix[/tags]
Saw the movie this afternoon (Bastile Day), and have to respectfully disagree about Luna. To me, she wass cast dead on. Umbridge is just as you say. She reminded me of Joan Collins in “Dynasty” for some reason, only heavier. A very fine movie.