This election week has not been kind to those against whom I’m voting. Not in terms of election outcome necessarily, but in terms of personal health of the candidates. Both Mark Sanford and Karen Floyd suffered injuries on Monday – Floyd as her plane was landing got banged up, and Sanford was temporarily blinded by bright stage lights. John Cobin was arrested for domestic battery over the weekend. If he can’t keep his temper in check at such a critical time, then I would hate to think what he would do in a regular term.
Sanford’s troubles weren’t over, though. When he went to vote he didn’t have his registration card. His driver’s license had his Columbia address, rather than an address in Sullivan’s Island where he was trying to vote. He did manage to get a replacement later in the day, but it was a bit of an embarrassment.
Even the accident-prone Andre Bauer wasn’t immune. He was witness to an accident. A pickup truck flipped, and Bauer was slightly injured as he tried to assist the victim. Of course, just seeing the headline, I had to wonder if Bauer hadn’t somehow caused to accident.
When I went to vote this morning there was quite a line. Several of my neighbors were there, so at least there was conversation to pass the time.
As is the case in our area, there were several Republicans running unopposed. Rather than leave that space blank, I voted for write-ins. Most of the names I used were the neighbors with whom I had just been talking. It was important to do write-ins. That is an active vote AGAINST the candidate. Leaving it blank doesn’t count against them.
I spent the rest of the day trying to recover my music library and signing up for a health club. In the evening, we figured it was appropriate to watch Ghosthunters on video rather than election returns.
This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how sheep’s bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.
That line was from Monty Python’s Holy Grail was all I could think of as I listened to two of the characters babble about psuedo-science. We had the 6-hour live recording of the TAPS investigation of the Stanley Hotel that took place over Halloween. The show is bad enough, but a LIVE version? There is much to be said for editing and condensing.