After my rant in The Cruelest Cut, I figured a follow-up was in order…
Quick recap – a company hired to trench for BellSouth cut our main data lines on Tuesday, August 5. BellSouth came out and spent all night repairing, leaving one lane closed on opening school day at our busiest intersection. Same company cut an irrigation line at one school, shutting off water for two hours, cut a cable that shut off data to four schools plus phone service for many residences, then cut the same data cable on Friday a mere yards from where they cut it previously. I was told by BellSouth that the cable trenching company was finished in our district.
The week began a bit quieter. A different company cut an intercom line at one school then quickly repaired it. On Wednesday, a large portion of our high school started having network problems, and fingers started pointing toward the cable trenchers. Turns out it was an equipment problem in-house. Then comes Friday, and the SAME cable trenching company cuts a cable near another school, damaging water lines and shutting off phones and data to that school.
Turns out BellSouth lied to me. They have that same company scheduled to continue work over the next two weeks near almost all of our other schools. So far they have managed to cut something major at every site they have visited. I guess I should tell the schools to prepare for more outages.
I take back what I said in the earlier post. I want this cabling company fired, and I want to know that they will never do business in our district again. There, I said it. </catharsis>