Last night marks the 50th anniversary of the first broadcast of Star Trek. It premiered on September 8, 1966. I watched a few minutes of that opening episode, but already had evening obligations to tour a cemetery with Dwight Moffit (more on that in another post.) So, tonight, even though I’m on the road for a paddling trip, I’m going to hit the hotel’s wifi and stream that first episode, “The Man Trap,” and reflect on fifty years of Trekhood.
Homecoming at Furman has always been a special time for us. It was when Laura and I first met and we’ve always treated it like a second anniversary. This one was doubly special. It was my 40 year reunion and it was Laura’s big retirement celebration. When planning for Laura’s retirement things got a bit…confused. … Read More “Furman Homecoming 2023 and Laura’s Retirement Bash” »