Given my earlier rant against Podcasts, one might think that I’m completely against them. No. I just want them to be used correctly. I actually have some ideas for Podcasts that I might explore… Casual Segs – In this podcast I would draw upon my background as a college radio DJ. The show would focus … Read More “OK, So You’re Bound and Determined to Podcast” »
Category: Gear
One thing Santa brought this year was a new video iPod. Much has already been said about how cool these gizmos are, and that Apple has a way with style that can only be mimicked. I know I’m behind the curve with my iPod experience, but here are my thoughts on this gadget… The device … Read More “Video iPod Review” »
Sometime back I posted about inexpensive cameras sold by Aiptek, and how this might be used in the classroom. One of my schools took me up on the challenge and purchased one of these cheapies for about $15. Here’s what we found…
I was in Walmart (shudder) recently and glanced at their offerings in digital cameras. I was amazed at the variety cameras available for under $100 that can take 1.3 megapixel images. However, when I checked their online options, most of their sub-$100 cameras seem to be out of stock. That got me thinking, though, so … Read More “Digital Cams for the Masses” »
Still playing with the Palm LifeDrive, and I’ve changed a couple of opinions. It seems that there is a way to use the entire screen for Grafiti. I guess I should read the manual! That makes this a much more useful device. I also got the keyboard to work. I was skeptical, especially since it … Read More “Life Drive, Part Deux” »
My Palm Lifedrive arrive this week. With all the craziness going on with our network, I didn’t get around to playing with it much until this weekend. The jury is still out, but right now I’m not so sure that this was such a great upgrade.
Talk about violence in the workplace, the guys at are either sorely underemployed or on the verge of having to look for a new job. Their website is dedicated to the construction, testing, and documentation of weapons created from simple office supplies.
Portability for gadgets is a myth, especially if travel involves several days. More and more gadgets have rechargeable batteries, which require recharging gear. If you’re a blogger, or compulsive about your digital images, not only do you want your laptop along, you want all the cables and connectors that allow you to upload your data. So what’s a savvy traveler to do if they want to lug along all their toys?
The additional memory cards I had ordered for my new Nikon CoolPix S1 just arrived. I already had one 256 MB Secure Digital card, and I ordered two 1 GB Multimedia Cards. If I’m to believe the little counter on the LCD screen, at normal 5.1 megapixel resolution, I can store nearly 200 images on … Read More “MegaMemories” »
Is it ever ethical to take a photo of someone without their knowledge? When I was in Philadelphia, some of the best images were of the people. A large city has such diversity, and each individual has a unique story. Pointing a large Nikon at them just seems wrong, even at a distance with zoom lens. Would using a stealth camera be any better? Or perhaps its a matter of intent – photojournalism is OK (think Dorothea Lange’s images during the Depression), security surveillance is distasteful, but seems to have become a necessity in this day and age.