I resolve not to have any online pity-parties about getting braces. Millions of people get these things and seem to get along just fine. Millions of others have much more serious problems, to which this pales in comparison. I’ll make these comments, then be done with it, unless something unusual happens. Here’s what I’ve noticed so far…
- This hurts – much more than I thought it would. I can’t bite anything without pain. I’m hoping this subsides as I get used to the braces, because I can’t imagine putting up with this for the next year and a half.
- Eating takes much longer. Not being able to bite comfortably really slows things down.
- I have a drinking problem. My lips don’t want to form a good seal on glasses and coffee cups with the braces in the way, so I’m constantly in fear of dripping or spilling my drink. Straws and bottles seem to be OK.
- I lisp. Several of my speech patterns seem to be affected. I still seem to be able to sing, but it hurts.
- I can’t whistle. Normally I can trill and whistle up a storm. Now I can just manage a weak sound.
I’m hoping I get used to this soon, or at least learn how to cope.