Got lots to write about, including a family wedding and trip to Virgina. I just haven’t had the energy for blogging. Right now it’s 3:00 am on the sixth night in a row with no sleep due to coughing. I’ve tried every remedy imaginable, to no avail. The doc has given me an inhaler, and I’m hoping that does some good, but I can only use it twice a day. Warm fluids seem to sooth my throat best, and I’ve even resorted to sipping warm tap water when I don’t want to fix a cup of something.
The weird thing is that the coughing has worked its way into my dreams. When I do eventually fall asleep, the coughing continues. Elaborate plots form around whether or not I stop coughing. Usually this involves two warring parties of some sort. The first time I noticed this “dream coughing” my increased coughing frequency was somehow going to lead to the apocalypse.
The dream conflict often resolves during a coughing lull or at a peak. There is a sense with the dream resolution that, “There, it’s done. Now I can get some rest.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work that way, and more coughing and more weird dreams come on. I’m thinking I may take tomorrow off just to catch up on sleep, if I can.
At least the doc doesn’t thing it’s pneumonia or something else. It’s just a bad, lingering cold. Maybe one evening soon I’ll be able to slow dawn, and perhaps even sleep through the night. We’ll see.