I try to avoid ranting in every single post. This week it’s been difficult to avoid, however.
- Car still won’t crank.
- Left Blackberry at home and felt naked.
- Data circuit for new school still not installed (thanks AT&T).
- Had to deal with an unprofessional little twit during an afternoon workshop.
- Left work early with a severe migraine, went home, and stayed in bed from 4:00 PM until 5:00 AM.
- Car still won’t crank.
- Head still hurts, but now blood pressure is elevated to match.
- Computers started arriving without warning (thanks, CSI & HP).
- Shippers refused to deliver and unload computers correctly, despite written instructions (thanks again, CSI & HP).
- Data transfers between various applications I manage broke down.
At least I finally got the data circuit for our new school up and running.
Tomorrow I get to spend most of the day in a dentist chair. At least I will be away from work, and at least I won’t have to work on Friday.
But rumor has it that you have to have your entire wife’s research group over for dinner and a movie Friday night… Friday could be worse than you think 🙂