One of my Twitter friends alerted me to an Aermotor Fire Tower that was being sold by North Carolina as surplus. The tower is described as follows:
Fire Lookout Tower,72’9″”H with 6×6 Cab Tower and Steps are in useable condition Radio antennae do not come with the tower. **Location of Building: Off US Hwy 23 on Bear Branch Rd. in Mars Hill, NC, Madison County
I immediately e-mail Laura to see what she thought about it, and the following e-mail exchange ensued…
Me: Do you think our neighbors would mind if we put this thing up in the back yard?
Laura: YES!
Me: Yes, we can buy it? Or, yes, they would mind?
Laura: Yes, they would mind!
Me: We could tell them it was for neighborhood watch. We might even be able to get Homeland Security funding for it.
Laura: No thanks… can you imagine the county zoning committee dealing with a request like that? just say no…
Me: But if we told them it was also a “prayer tower” then we might get the BJU contingent to agree. …although that might sound a little too Islamic for their tastes.
Laura: NO!
I guess we’re not getting a fire tower in our back yard.
You have a great wife!
Have you tried the “it’s a cell tower disguised as a fire tower” argument? 🙂
The Prayer Tower idea is quite good, btw.
This is splendid. After you install it, offer its use to the Furman ROTC unit for rappelling training. I’m thinking you could probably receive some $$’s for that. We’ll have the cost/benefit analysis completed in no time!!!
I tried to find this tower for sale on the NC surplus site but could not find. I have the perfect location for it in catawba county.NC. Any info on this or any other for sale would be appreciated. Thanks Lynn Moose
Our Chamber of Commerce is looking for such a tower to be erected in our Lake Park. Its height would give tourists to our community the ability to overlook four glacial lakes, two “feeder” rivers and a portion of Oshkosh, Wisconsin as well as Lake Winnebago.
Anyone having more details about similar structures available for sale, please send them on. Thanks much!!