Chip and I went to see the new Bond movie, Casino Royale, this afternoon. All of the promos have described this as a new, edgier, culnerable Bond. It’s all that in spades (quite literally.) The last Bond movie, Die Another Day", paid homage to the previous 19 movies in a big way, whereas this one is almost a complete break from the genre. I won’t repeat what the movie reviewers have said, but here are my paltry observations.
First, I have a BIG problem with the casting of Judi Dench as M in this particular movie. In Goldeneye, Dench is established as the "new M." Don’t get me wrong. She has been absolutely fantastic in this role. However, if this movie is to be the beginning of the Bond legend, then Dench shouldn’t be there. Some other M should have been cast.
This Bond certainly gets beat up alot. It almost seems that most of the movie has time with blood or cuts on his face. Consequently, there is much more violence.
How was the lamb?
This dinner jacket is tailored!
Yes, I sized you up the minute I saw you.
The dialog is certainly witty. Daniel Craig doesn’t let us down when it comes to style and wit. There are also enough cool gadgets to appeal to any geek.
The classic gun-barrell sequence is worked into the opening teaser action sequence. Very cool. The opening titles don’t even have a hint of naked women.
Even though this is a major break from the previous UA/EON productions, it certainly gives new life to a genre that had gotten stale. Despite the increased violence, the movie was very good. I might even want to see it again.
**** SPOILER ****
One final word. This isn’t really a spoiler if you know anything about James Bond movies. Anytime Bond says something to the Bond girl like, "I love you. I’m going to tender my resignation", it can’t turn out good for her.