Another month (or two) has gone by without a post. It’s now the first of April and Spring Break, so I’m spending a few minutes updating things. I don’t want this to become one of those “abandoned blogs”. Same excuses apply — too busy or too lazy to update, plus I had about three-week stint of confusion while my site was down. There was some dispute as to whether or not I had paid my ISP and domain renewal.
In the intervening time, several things have happened. We had more snow, and subsequently missed more snow days this year. It was actually quite pleasant having all that time off. Since I’m year-round, it doesn’t affect me as much.
Let’s see what else has happened. I spent early $2 million on technology for the district. I wanted to get the contracts in place before a new superintendent comes on board and decides to cancel everything. Turns out my fears were baseless. Our new boss is the new principal at Byrnes, and I think he understands the importance of our technology program.
So now that I’ve completed several major work-related projects, gotten some extra pay for being a troll with the symhony and for singing in Messiah last week, what do I do with a whole week off?
We started the weekend with an evening out downtown. Despite the chill in theeair, we wanted to hear the Furman Jazz Band. Dinner was at Salsaritas. While the food was great the atmosphere was frenetic, and the wait at the bar for any kind of alcohol was ridiculous.
Saturay night brought a reunion with old friends. Tim & Kathy Taylor came over with their two girls. The Kaup family joined us, and we had a great party. It was good to re-establish contact with them, especially since they have moved into our neighborhood.
Sunday morning – John Gentry asked if I would sing in First Presbyterian’s performance of Messiah for Palm Sunday. Not too bad of a gig – I had one rehearsal yesterday, two services this morning with music I know inside out, and I get paid for it. The chorus was shaky in some places, but overall I think things went well. I still wouldn’t care to attend here on a regular basis.