OK, I said I wasn’t going to do it, but here it goes… It’s been a crazy week. Heck, the last four YEARS have been crazy! The fact that I’m writing this on my phone should speak volumes.
Anyway. This has left me with a bit of dilemma. I am FAR behind in my blogging. I haven’t finished writing about our west coast trip, and it’s started to fade into memory. In the week since I’ve been back I’ve visited the Pickens Flea Market and paddled on Lake Jocassee.
To top that off, less than a week after I was in Washington State I find myself in Florida. This isn’t a pleasure trip, though. Laura’s mom fell and broke both her legs. This happened Friday, with surgery on Saturday. She’s recovering, but we have to find a place for long term physical therapy and get all that going. Did I say it has been crazy?
As far as blogging, I’m going to nibble on this all along. I may back-date the west coast posts so that they appear in the correct order, and just try to keep up with stuff from this point forward. I don’t think I’ll try another “best of.” That just didn’t seem right.
The one thing I have been able to do is post photos. So, if you want to see what I’ve been doing in a more timely fashion, just head over to my Flickr account.. I’ll try to write up the stories soon.