…because you might find out. Such has been my week so far.
It started last Thursday (I never could get the hang of Thursdays.) As we frantically try to get ready for students to come back next week, our network started misbehaving. Our best engineer from CSI called – a normally very even tempered person – and said, "Tom, it’s bad." OoooK. Fortunately, they were able to repair the flakiness (extreme technical term) by Friday, with no disruptions of service.
Then comes Monday. Over the weekend the roof leaked at Wellford Elementary, soaking the computer labs and office. The first report I got was that sixty computers were ruined. On-site inspection showed only one computer toasted for sure, with about eight more drenched in one lab. We’re going to attempt to dry them out and hope for the best.
So now it’s Tuesday. A company trenching for fiber optic managed to cut several of our phone lines and almost all of our data lines. The company doing the trenching saw the markings for phone lines, but bored anyway. By the end of the day, the street in front of the office had been dug up, and BellSouth had settled in for a long night of repairs. Just as I was asking what next, the bottom fell out and the newly dug trench began to fill with rainwater. We’ll be lucky to have our network back online by the time kids arrive.